Monday, December 19, 2011

Diapering Overnight

One concern a lot of moms have is dealing with a heavy wetter. Your baby’s wetting habits change every month, as does their diet. Seasons and weather affect your baby’s wetting patterns too. 

Keeping all this in mind, how do you find a natural, sustainable solution for your baby?  

Overnight Diapering Solutions

You switch to one of SmartBaby’s best loved brands bumGenius, Flip or Econonbum!  And for those of you who are already SmartBaby users, you can always explore the options given below. The good news is that cloth diapering is effective for heavy wetter’s as it is for regular wetter’s and of course it is also safe, healthy and comfortable too!

One way is to use two pre-folds inside your favorite cover or you can use one pre-fold in a modified triangle fold and a second folded in thirds and laid in as a doubler. If babies sleep on their back then keep the extra length over in the front or use a wrap cover. 

Many moms mentioned using cloth diapers made specifically for night time. Typically these diapers will be a bit more absorbent, and perhaps a bit bulkier than your average daytime diaper and probably not as comfortable due to the sheer size. 

We recommend the illustrious bumGenius 4.0 cloth diapers. These All-in-One stay-dry diapers are ideal for all kinds of wetter’s, since you have the option of adding another insert as and when you need to.  bumGenius Elementals are made of all organic cotton and is another great, affordable option for absorbency overnight.

 Cotton prefolds can be used inside a cover like Econobum or Flip, or even as an insert inside your favorite bumGenius 4.0 pocket diaper.
Apart from bumGenius, we also suggest a Flip diaper cover used with a Stay-Dry Insert which for a lot of moms is perfect for overnight diapering. This diaper is made of 3 ultra-absorbent layers of microfiber and a smooth stay-dry suede cloth that wicks moisture from your baby’s bum. Flip Stay-Dry Inserts work to keep your baby drier, longer. 

So if baby is sleeping up to 3 hours a time, then this may just be the solution for you.

 If you feel that the same diapers you used overnight earlier are not as effective now then it could be your washing techniques - laundry products can build up in the fabric and waterproof them. Only use a tiny amount of baby laundry detergent. Put diapers through a water-only wash sometimes and remember to never use fabric softener. If you use diaper cream, use a liner with it because if it gets on your diapers, the oil in it will waterproof them.

Here's to dry baby bums at night and easier overnight diapering. 

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